
How To Grow The Height

how to grow taller : Firstly, I would like to make it clear that if you have a short height that does not mean that you can't do anything in your life.
There are many great and successful people having short height. Thus, remember it that you should not get demotivated if you are short.
How To Grow The Height

Your height is heavily dependent on your genetics or what you inherit from your parents. If your genes have high potential to grow taller, then the following steps can easily help you to reach your genetic height potential. So let's start and see how to grow taller.

Nutrition and Diet

The first and highly important point is your nutrition. Your nutrition should be to the point. You have to look after and take care of your protein, carbohydrates, and fat requirement and consumption(according to the requirement).
Other than these macronutrients, micronutrients like vitamins and minerals also play an important role in height growth. Minerals like calcium and vitamin D3 play a crucial role in your height growth. They help in strengthening the bones and increasing the bone density. Nowadays many people have vitamin D3 deficiency. So you have to monitor your calcium and vitamin D3 requirement and intake (according to the requirement). Major sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables, milk, paneer and major source of vitamin D3 is sunlight but if due to some reasons you are unable to meet your daily requirement of vitamin D3 and calcium. I would highly recommend you consult a doctor and take vitamin D3 and calcium supplementation, which should help you to meet your daily vitamin D3 and calcium requirement.

Sleep To Grow The Height

Your sleeping habits have a great influence on your height. It's because the human growth hormone, which helps in increasing your height is secreted in large quantities when you sleep. Having a sound sleep of at least 7 to 8 hours plays a crucial role in your height growth. Thus, going to bed early in the night and having a sound sleep will help you to reach your genetic height potential.

Exercise and sports

You may have seen one of your friend who was shorter than you or had height similar to yours, but he joined basketball classes or swimming classes and soon his height grew more than your height.
Why this happens ?
This happens mainly due to two reasons first is gene activation and second is body adaptation.

Body Adaptation - When you perform activities in which you have to reach out or extend your limbs, your body adapts by growing the length of your bones.

Gene activation - Sometimes what happens is your genes have a height growth potential but you don't stimulate that gene to get activated and help you to grow taller .

Thus, there are many people who have average height but as soon as they start playing sports their height suddenly starts growing.
Your body is very smart whenever it feels that you are performing an activity where your body is required to cross it's limits. It helps you by growing taller.
Other than exercise and sports, I would highly recommend you to start doing exercises like the dead hang, and increase your timing every week. I would also recommend you start doing yoga poses and stretches on a daily basis. Stretches and poses like hamstring stretch, surya namaskar and many other yoga poses, if performed regularly, would help you in height growth.


Fourth and the most ignored thing is posture. Many people have bad posture and slouched back. If you maintain a good posture and straighten your spine, you can easily gain up to 1 - 3 inches of height. Nowadays due to the sitting culture, bad posture has become highly common.

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